Thursday 22 June 2006

First Blog

Well I really don't know what to write just yet, I don't really do much.

I have aspirations of being a writer, mostly in games journalism, or just reviews of entertainment in general.

Every now and then I do have plans of maybe writing a book, or fictional story of some kind, usually these thoughts are politely crushed by myself when I remember the amount of planning and such has to go into such a project. I do think one day i'll give it a go, but not quite yet.

I mean where do you start when writing a coherent fictional story? Whenever I've done so in the past it was never anything ambitious and I made it up as I went along, but I don't see how you could do that for a much larger story. You need to plan character traits, themes throughout the story, locations, plot, an overall story arc, with perhaps some smaller story arcs within that.

That's the argument my brain usually gives itself when I start having thoughts of writing something, because usually the thought at the back of my mind is some kind of fantasy or sci fi epic, which would be a huge undertaking because aside from the usual stuff you have to come up with a whole mytholgy for your story to be based on.

Well despite not know what to write I rambled on for a while there, funny that :P

I guess i'll finish by telling whoever is reading this (that would be you, assuming anyone will read this AND stick around this long) I am a bit of a telly addict, watch quite alot and love it. Things I'm into at the moment are Lost, Smallville, Scrubs, 24 and Battlestar Galactica. I'm also a love of films too, my faves of recent years are Serenity (I should prob have Firefly on that TV list too), The Last Samurai, Underworld, Garden State and The Girl Next door.

I'm also a fan of the ol video game. I currently have an Xbox and Gamecube, with my Gamecube sadly relegated to the cupboard just now. Mostly I have been playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live at the moment, the last game I bought was Futurama (should also be on that TV List :P) which I havent completed yet (takes me a while to complete games, I usually play them for a while and then don't go back to them for weeks, maybe months, at a time). The newest game I've bought was Tomb Raider legend, which is a great game, the is a bit weak, but the excellent platforming and puzzles are more than enough entertainment.

I will probably post my thoughts on the games industry over time, especially with the upcoming next generation console war, of which I will be on the side of the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii.

Anyway, if you have read all this and are intrigued/interested enough to check back again, i should update a few times a week with my random thoughts and anything that I'm thinking about at the time, that includes stuff I may or may not have mentioned above. So bye for now I guess, and y'all stay shiny now. (Firefly reference, don't worry if it's lost on you ;) )

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